Test Optimization - Build Breakdown Improvements

We're excited to announce some improvements to the Test Optimization / Build Breakdown page, designed to enhance your experience and streamline your workflow!

Streamlined Navigation

The "Overview" tab has been removed, simplifying the interface. You can now access the overall build breakdown charts directly by clicking the new Charts button conveniently located at the top right corner of the screen.

Enhanced Charts Visualization

Get a clearer picture of your build test executions (by number of tests or by test compute time) with improved graphs! These graphs now showcase all builds within the date range, providing a more accurate representation of your build's testing performance.

Improved Filter Context

We've addressed the "build range" selection issue. Its previously awkward and buggy placement at the end of the filters has been replaced with a new location as part of the Charts drawer view, keeping it in context with the charts you're analyzing.

Terminology Update

For better clarity, the "Code to Tests" tab has been renamed "Impacted Tests." This name more accurately reflects the tab's functionality of displaying tests affected by code changes in the selected build.

Aesthetic Touches

We've implemented some subtle CSS adjustments to further refine the overall look and feel of the page.

Last updated