Testing Environments and Identifiers Management


Sealights maps your testing environments based on dedicated identifiers predefined in the Settings.

These identifiers are called LabID and have a few variants depending on your topology:

  • Simple Deployment Lab (a.k.a CD Only) when Sealights is configured on a testing environment and not in the CI

  • Multiple Environment Lab, for configurations where the same application version is tested and promoted on several (dedicated) environments and you're willing to aggregate all the coverage analytics into a single entry of your Sealights dashboard and reports

Create a Simple Deployment Integration Build Lab ID

To create a Lab ID for the Simple Deployment, go to the settings page of your SeaLights dashboard:

  1. In the form that opens, define an App Name that reflects your Product Name.

    • A Product reflects a collection of application components (microservices, web applications, monolith backend, etc.). For example, your "Online Store" project.

  2. Define the Branch Name: the name of the environment where you deploy the Sealights Agent. For example: 'QA1'

A new LabID was created and appears in the list, with the type 'CDOnly' highlighted.

Video Walkthrough: Creating a new integration build lab

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