Testing Environments and Identifiers Management
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Sealights maps your testing environments based on dedicated identifiers predefined in the Settings.
These identifiers are called LabID and have a few variants depending on your topology:
Simple Deployment Lab (a.k.a CD Only) when Sealights is configured on a testing environment and not in the CI
Multiple Environment Lab, for configurations where the same application version is tested and promoted on several (dedicated) environments and you're willing to aggregate all the coverage analytics into a single entry of your Sealights dashboard and reports
To create a Lab ID for the Simple Deployment, go to the settings page of your SeaLights dashboard:
Under 'Cockpit & Onboarding → Integration Build Labs', click on the button "Create new Integration Build Lab”
In the form that opens, define an App Name that reflects your Product Name.
A Product reflects a collection of application components (microservices, web applications, monolith backend, etc.). For example, your "Online Store" project.
Define the Branch Name: the name of the environment where you deploy the Sealights Agent. For example: 'QA1'
Select the “CD only” option and click on Create.
A new LabID was created and appears in the list, with the type 'CDOnly' highlighted.
Copy its generated identifier using the copy button and save it for later usage in the following configuration steps.