This page contains a listing of some commonly confusing words, along with any helpful references for understanding what something is.
These are referenced throughout the guide and highlighted allowing mouse-over views of the definitions as well as links to these definitions.
On-prem executable provided by Sealights and specific to a technology
Developer that pushed a code change in the Git-based SCM
A set of machines/containers that are hosting your System Under Test (SUT).
Test Group
A set of tests which have some commonality (for example, tests that are being run together on the same job on the automation infrastructure). Only limitation is that for a particular automation infrastructure job we will have only one test group. A test group can be composed of several such jobs.
Lab IDs enable SeaLights to establish a connection between data collected from multiple agents across various application components and test runners, consolidating them into a single product.
A collection of application components (microservices, web applications, monolith backend, etc.).
Test Cycle
A test cycle is a collection of tests organized to accomplish specific testing objectives, encompassing a broader scope than individual tests. Common examples are Regression Tests, End-To-End Tests, Manual Tests, and more.
Test Recommendations
As part of the Test Optimization offering, Sealights recommends which tests should be run. This is done by considering historical runs of your tests and correlating them with your current code changes. You can accelerate your CI without compromising your quality by running these recommendations.
Test Stage
A test stage or test cycle is a collection of tests organized to accomplish specific testing objectives, encompassing a broader scope than individual tests. Common examples are Regression Tests, End-To-End Tests, Manual Tests, and more.
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