Collecting Coverage


Sealights supports three types of integrations to your tests framework:

  1. Coverage Only Integration - Allows seeing code coverage for a product composed of multiple application components (backend services and front end) for a single environment and stage. This type of onboarding is agnostic to the test runner. However, it doesn't allow a user to get Test Recommendations. See the collecting coverage guide for more information.

  2. Deep Agent Integration - Allows you to onboard a product composed of multiple application components (backend services and front end) for a single environment and stage. This type of integration provides code coverage and test recommendation; however, it requires that Sealights will support your test framework/runner.

  3. Custom Integration - For scenarios where Sealights doesn't support your test framework but still wants to get code coverage and test recommendations, you can use our public APIs and create a custom integration.

This guide covers how to collect coverage for a product, which requires notifying Sealights that a Test Cycle is starting in a certain environment.

This guide assumes that you can run one of the CLIs of our agents. If that's not possible, you can accomplish the same by starting a Test Session using our Test Optimization public APIs.



  1. Please complete the prerequisites on the Automated Tests page.

  2. Download the Sealights agent to the machine that starts the test cycle. In this guide, the agents will be used as CLIs, so you will not have to integrate them to your running processes.

You can run the following command more than once, assuming you keep the same Build Session Id, Lab Id, and Stage. However, if you attempt to run a different Build Session Id or Test Stage on the same lab concurrently, the previously opened Test Stage will be closed. This can lead to flaky or wrong data. Please refer to...


Assuming you have completed the prerequisites, the configuration itself involves the following three steps:

  1. Notify Sealights that your Test Cycle is starting

  2. Run your tests as you do today.

  3. Notify Sealights that your Test Cycle has ended.

With that in mind you can find below sample commands. Make sure to use select the tab of the technology for the agents you have downloaded as part of the prerequisites.

//TODO - start/end execution commands

Further Reading

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