
This glossary defines key terms used within SeaLights to enhance your understanding of its functionalities.


A collection of application components, encompassing various architectures like microservices, web applications, or monolithic backends.

Test Stage / Test Cycle

A group of tests organized to achieve specific testing objectives, often broader in scope than individual tests. Examples include regression, end-to-end, and manual tests. These stages can represent a single test type or combine multiple types executed in the same phase (e.g., nightly testing might involve both component and integration tests).

Overall (Code) Coverage

Percentage of methods tested by at least one test stage.

Modified (Code) Coverage

Percentage of modified methods tested by at least one test stage.

Overall Coverage Gap

Percentage of untested methods (100% - Overall Coverage).

Modified Coverage Gap

Percentage of untested modified methods (100% - Modified Coverage).

Quality Gate

Predefined quality criteria that determine if a build meets your standards. Three parameters influence the gate status:

  • New/Modified Code Coverage: Percentage of newly introduced or modified methods covered by tests.

  • Overall Code Coverage: Percentage of all methods covered by tests.

  • Failed Tests: Total number of failed tests in the current build.

Quality Risk

A modified method not covered by any test stage.

Test Gaps
  • Overall Methods: A method not covered by any test stage.

  • Modified Methods: A modified method not covered by any test stage (= Quality Risk).

Test Recommendations

As part of the Test Optimization feature, SeaLights suggests which tests to execute based on historical test runs and their correlation with current code changes.

Referenced Build

The baseline build used to calculate modified code coverage, quality risks, and quality gates. It impacts:

  1. Modified Coverage

  2. Quality Risks

  3. Quality Gates

  4. Test Recommendations


An on-premises executable provided by SeaLights, specific to a technology.


Developers who pushed code changes to a Git-based version control system.


A set of machines or containers hosting your System Under Test (SUT).


Identifiers that allow SeaLights to connect data collected from multiple agents across various application components and test runners, consolidating them within the platform.

By understanding these terms, you can effectively navigate SeaLights and utilize its features to optimize your testing processes.

Last updated