Working in Conjunction with Your Quality / Coverage Tools

While SeaLights excels in optimizing software quality across the entire development lifecycle, it coexists with various other tools you might already be using, like SonarQube and JaCoCo, empowering you to create a robust and efficient quality assurance ecosystem.

Complementary tools

  • SonarQube:

    • Focuses on static code analysis.

    • Identifies potential issues in code structure and conventions (bugs, code smells, and others) in various programming languages.

    • Helps developers write higher quality code from the beginning.

    • SeaLights perfectly complements SonarQube by analyzing the effectiveness of your testing efforts, ensuring your well-written code is thoroughly tested. Together, they provide a holistic view of software quality.

SeaLights vs SonarQube
  • JaCoCo:

    • Primarily focuses on Java unit test coverage.

    • Offers a granular view of individual unit test effectiveness.

    • SeaLights, however, expands on this by providing coverage insights across all test types, including integration, API, and manual tests, giving you a broader picture of your overall testing landscape.

SeaLights vs JaCoCo

Working Together for Improved Quality

Although they don't integrate directly, these tools can be used concurrently to:

  • Provide a multifaceted approach to software quality:

    • SonarQube ensures code quality, while SeaLights optimizes testing effectiveness.

    • JaCoCo offers granular unit test insights, complementing SeaLights' broader coverage analysis.

  • Avoid tool interference: Each tool operates independently, eliminating conflicts and ensuring smooth operation within your existing workflow.

  • Empower data-driven decision-making: Combine insights from different tools to gain a holistic perspective on your software's quality and make informed decisions.

SeaLights Focus: Broad Coverage, Streamlined Testing

SeaLights optimizes testing efforts across the entire software development lifecycle.

  • Analyzes coverage and efficiency for all test types, including integration, API, manual, and more.

  • Provides modified code coverage, identifying areas needing immediate attention.

  • Recommends which tests to run, optimizing execution time and resources.

  • Offers out-of-the-box reports and insights for effective decision-making.

  • SeaLights doesn't require code access unlike some code coverage tools, making it non-invasive and easy to integrate.

By understanding the unique strengths of each tool and utilizing them in tandem, you can create a powerful combination that enhances code quality, streamlines testing, and ultimately delivers high-quality software.

Last updated