Fastest Path to 100% Coverage Policy

The "Fastest Path to 100% Coverage" policy is a strategic tool within SeaLights Test Optimization, designed to maximize code coverage while minimizing test execution time. It's particularly beneficial when time is critical.

How It Works

Prioritizes Essential Tests with Intelligent Analysis: Instead of running every test linked to code changes, this policy identifies a core set of tests that provide the most comprehensive coverage in the shortest amount of time.

When To Use It

This policy is ideal in situations where:

  • Time is of the essence: You need to quickly verify code changes (e.g., urgent hotfixes).

  • Resource constraints exist: Limited testing resources are available.

  • Rapid feedback is needed: You prioritize obtaining code coverage insights as fast as possible.

Policy Activation

Currently, SeaLights manually sets this policy. This involves analyzing the codebase to pinpoint the most effective test combinations.

Note: Although SeaLights currently sets the policy manually, future updates might incorporate automated features enabling the policy.

The "Fastest Path to 100% Coverage" policy provides a valuable tool for agile teams facing time constraints while striving to uphold high quality standards.

Last updated