How to Generate / Edit the Report

Generating a report is as simple as selecting the app and branch you are interested in, and setting the following:

Date Range

  • The popular options available are: Last month, Last 2 months, Last 3 months, Last 6 months, Last year.

  • If none of the above is what you need, you can always select a custom date range. We recommend a minimum of 4 weeks.

Please note that the start date for the data shown in the charts depends on the selected builds and is currently limited to the following Monday or the 1st of the month (for all builds option).

Test Stages

  • A list of all test stages reported for the selected app and branch during the past year is available, ordered alphabetically.

  • You can select / deselect any of the test stages to focus on the data you want to see in the charts and asses how different test stages contribute to your overall coverage.


There are two ways to analyze quality data overtime: either look at all builds of the selected app/branch or only track builds that were manually marked as reference builds (usually these are production/released builds).

  • When looking at all builds, you can select in which intervals you would like to aggregate the data. Options are: 1 week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks, 4 weeks, 1 month. When selecting 1 month, the data shown in the chart will start at the 1st of the relevant month. For the rest of the interval options, the data shown in the chart will start at the following Monday.

  • When tracking only reference builds, you can select/deselect reference builds from a list (most likely you would like to include all reference builds).

Generating The Report Using API (Optional)

You can also generate the report using our API. Read more at Quality Analytics API .

Note: By default, the reports you create are private and only available for you. To learn about sharing options see the relevant section below.

Last updated