Uncovered Methods View

This alternative view skips the subtask grouping and presents a tailored list of only the uncovered modified methods per user story.

  • Indicates which methods have not been adequately tested, lacking coverage across all test types.

  • Identifies methods missing coverage within each specific test type, providing valuable insights for dedicated teams or individuals responsible for specific test stages, such as integration tests or end-to-end tests.

Primary Users

Ideally suited for developers and QA engineers to focus on uncovered methods of an individual user story, collaborate, make informed decisions regarding the prioritization and allocation of testing resources and track progress.

Focus Your Testing Efforts with the Uncovered Methods View

The Uncovered Methods View streamlines your testing prioritization by showcasing two key areas:

  1. Methods completely untested (across all types): These high-priority methods demand immediate attention and are listed first.

  2. Methods missing specific test types (functional, performance, etc.): Each test type has its own section, allowing you to easily identify untested areas and assign them to dedicated teams or individuals.

For clarity, methods lacking any non-unit test coverage are highlighted in orange, while completely untested methods (appearing in both sections) are flagged red.

Testing Recommendations:

  1. Address methods with no coverage across all tests first.

  2. Focus on methods missing non-unit test coverage next.

  3. Finally, consider covering methods in additional test types based on your organization's needs.

By following this guided approach, you can efficiently allocate resources and ensure comprehensive testing coverage.

How the Uncovered Methods View Differs from User Story Coverage Analysis?

While both views provide user story coverage information, the Uncovered Methods View offers a crucial advantage: centralized visibility and prioritization.

  • User Story Coverage Analysis:

    • Requires drilling down into individual subtasks.

    • Demands manually sifting through each method list to identify gaps.

    • Doesn't prioritize untested methods, leaving you to determine focus areas.

  • Uncovered Methods View:

    • Presents all untested methods across the user story in one comprehensive list.

    • Instantly reveals the bigger picture of coverage gaps, saving you time and effort.

    • Prioritizes methods based on severity:

      • Red flags methods completely untested (urgent attention).

      • Orange flags methods missing non-unit test coverage (important).

    • This clear prioritization empowers you to make quick decisions about testing allocation and assignment.

In essence, the Uncovered Methods View acts as a one-stop shop for identifying and prioritizing critical testing needs within a user story, saving you valuable time and ensuring efficient resource allocation.

Last updated