User Story Quality Overview

Users can delve into the coverage details of individual user stories (and subtasks) and review:

  • The absolute number of modified methods and methods that have been thoroughly tested.

  • The breakdown of the coverage across various test stages.

Primary Users

Ideally suited for developers and QA engineers to track the coverage status of an individual user story and make informed decisions regarding the prioritization and allocation of testing resources.

Seamless Access to Detailed User Story Coverage:

Forget juggling multiple reports! The User Story Quality Overview view is conveniently accessible from anywhere within Jira. With a single click on any user story, you'll gain instant insights into:

  • Comprehensive Coverage: Get a holistic view of coverage percentage, both overall and for non-unit tests specifically.

  • Granular Breakdown: Dive deeper into the specific test types covering each user story, pinpointing areas that require closer attention.

  • Absolute Numbers: Understand the true testing effort involved by seeing the exact number of modified methods and the number of them covered by tests.

  • Deep Dives: For even more granular details, the provided link takes you to a dedicated reports where you can explore sub tasks coverage and individual methods in depth.

Absolute Numbers Guide Efficient Testing Resource Allocation

The absolute numbers presented in the view are crucial, as they provide a clear understanding of the testing effort required for each user story. Testing 25 methods out of 40 modified methods is significantly different from testing 525 out of 840 methods. While completing testing for 15 methods is relatively achievable, testing over 300 methods poses a much larger challenge.

This view empowers teams to make informed decisions regarding the prioritization and allocation of testing resources.

Last updated