STEP 6: Write tests

Typically, this step is done by QA / Automation Engineers / and other relevant individuals involved in test creation.

Bridging the Gap: Effectively Addressing Identified Test Gaps

Comprehensive coverage is essential for ensuring software quality and resilience. However, unaddressed test gaps represent vulnerabilities waiting to be exploited. This guide empowers you to effectively address these gaps.

Step 1: Charting the Course:

  • Open your Test Gaps Report: Remember that baseline you set? This report helps track progress!

  • Focus on Specifics: Narrow your field by choosing a single functionality, transaction, or feature to tackle. This makes tracking progress and prioritizing gaps easier.

Step 2: Prioritize Critically:

  • Download the CSV: This goldmine of data lets you filter and focus on the most crucial gaps.

  • Watch the Video Tutorial: Learn how to filter effectively and zero in on high-priority areas.

  • Tackle Criticals First: By addressing these gaps first, you'll see a significant boost in overall coverage and quality.

Step 3: Write and Refine:

  • Create New Tests (or Modify Existing Ones): Fill those gaps! Ensure comprehensive coverage to strengthen your code's armor.

  • Regenerate the Report: After each checkpoint, see how far you've come with a fresh report.

Step 4: Communication is Key:

  • Utilize Code Labels: They help testers and developers speak the same language, fostering clear communication.

  • Consult When Uncertain: Don't hesitate to ask the code contributor or Technical Architect for clarity on specific changes (The Test Gaps report provides information about the contributor associated with each method).

Step 5: Efficiency is Everything:

  • Multi-Gap Targeting: One well-crafted test can often address multiple gaps simultaneously, maximizing your effort.

  • Iterative Progress: Focus on one functionality at a time until all critical areas are covered, gradually reaching your overall goal.

This approach allows you to incrementally increase your overall code coverage and improve the quality of your software.

Last updated