Technical Architecture

SeaLights empowers you with complete transparency into your testing process by seamlessly integrating with a wide range of tools, platforms, and architectures. This intricate dance allows it to weave a comprehensive tapestry of data on user story coverage, providing invaluable insights for informed decision-making.

Under the Hood: Unveiling the Architecture

Imagine a central hub, the heart of SeaLights, constantly collecting and analyzing data from various sources. Testing frameworks, source control systems, and project management tools feed information into this hub, painting a detailed picture of your testing practices.

SeaLights Agents: Unsung Heroes of Data Collection

Deployed alongside these tools, SeaLights agents act as data scouts, capturing critical information about tests, code changes, and their intricate relationships. No testing stage escapes their grasp: unit, integration, component, regression, sanity, end-to-end, and even manual tests – all meticulously tracked for a holistic view of coverage across the entire spectrum.

Real-Time Insights: Capturing the Pulse of Your Tests

As tests run, SeaLights agents intercept them, extracting code coverage data like ninjas and transmitting it back to the central hub. This real-time information flow ensures you stay up-to-date on your testing progress.

Connecting the Dots: Code Changes and Their Impact

SeaLights doesn't stop at capturing test data. It also keeps a watchful eye on your codebase, utilizing source control repositories to track changes and their impact on test coverage. This enables proactive identification of potential test gaps introduced by modifications.

Bridging the Gap: User Stories Take Center Stage

By matching commit messages to corresponding user stories in your project management system, SeaLights creates a direct link between code changes and their associated context. This contextualization empowers you to understand precisely how changes in specific user stories have impacted testing coverage.

Actionable Insights at Your Fingertips

Finally, SeaLights delivers the collected data back to your project management system (e.g., Jira) through custom fields. This ensures your team has immediate access to the latest code coverage information for each user story, fostering informed decision-making and driving continuous improvement in your testing practices.

A Universal Adaptor for Diverse Environments

SeaLights' interoperable architecture allows it to seamlessly adapt to your unique development ecosystem, regardless of the tools and platforms you use. This adaptability makes it a valuable asset for any software team seeking to achieve comprehensive testing and deliver high-quality products.

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