STEP 8: Measure Defect Escape Rate

The Defect Escape Rate is your key to unlocking real quality improvement. Let's explore how to use it:

Got historical data?

  • Track your progress! Compare Defect Escape Rate from release to release to see the impact of SeaLights' new processes.

Starting fresh?

  • No worries! Begin measuring after your first SeaLights release.

  • Make it a habit: track monthly or on your preferred schedule.

Analyzing Progress:

  • A decreasing Defect Escape Rate signifies quality improvement.

  • No significant change? Let's dig deeper:

    • Unaddressed Test Gaps: Escaping defects may be linked to the test gaps you chose not to address.

    • Low Quality Threshold: Is your bar set too low, letting defects slip through?

    • Test Strategy Optimization: Focus on component tests? Time for more integration or end-to-end tests!

Combine the Defect Escape Rate with other quality metrics for a holistic view.

Last updated