This guide explains how to configure the script to generate reports for epics with coverage information, based on Jira and SeaLights data.

Required Variables

  • JIRA_TOKEN: Securely store your Jira access token.

  • JIRA_GET_LIST_JQL: JQL query to retrieve epics/features/stories for reports (default: issueType = Epic and created > startOfMonth(-2)).

    • Update this JQL based on your reporting needs (e.g., user stories instead of epics).

  • JIRA_BASE_URL: Your Jira base URL (e.g.,

  • SCM_BASE_URL: Your SCM/Git base URL (e.g.,

  • TEST_STAGES: Array of individual test stage names as defined in SeaLights.

    • Define each stage with:

      • name: Name as displayed in the TGA report (underscores replace spaces).

      • reportJsonKey: Attribute name in the JSON file for this stage.

      • reportTitle: Column title in the generated HTML report.

  • GROUPED_TEST_STAGES: Optional array to define grouped test stages:

    • Define each group with:

      • name: Desired name in the temporary JSON files.

      • reportJsonKey: Attribute name in the exported JSON file.

      • reportTitle: Column title in the HTML report.

      • stages: Array of individual test stage names from TEST_STAGES to combine.

  • severity: Set to:

    • 1: Colors results orange if coverage is "No" in the HTML report.

    • 2: Colors results red if coverage is "No" in the HTML report.

Output Reports

  • ${TICKET_TYPE}_${TICKET}.html: HTML report for each ticket.

  • ReportInfo_${TICKET}.json: JSON file with report data for further analysis.

Customization and Tips

  • Adapt the JQL query to target specific Jira issue types.

  • Modify test stage definitions and grouping according to your testing processes.

  • Consider setting severity based on your desired visual indicator for missing coverage.

  • Adjust default variables and customize report appearance as needed.

Last updated