Over Time Quality Improvement Guide

Software quality isn't a sprint; it's a marathon. Over Time Quality Improvement recognizes this, offering a strategic, long-term approach that transcends individual releases. By setting a clear vision and making incremental progress, you can cultivate enduring quality in your software.

What sets Over Time Quality Improvement apart?

  • Focus on the big picture: Goes beyond individual releases, aiming for sustained improvement across the entire software lifecycle.

  • Incremental progress, lasting impact: Instead of chasing quick fixes, it prioritizes systematic, step-by-step improvements for long-term benefits.

  • Test gaps are your roadmap: Over Time Quality Improvement actively identifies and addresses test gaps, paving the way for comprehensive coverage and increased confidence.


Incorporate these steps into your processes with SeaLights:

STEP 1: Deploy SeaLightsSTEP 2: Take a Quality SnapshotSTEP 3: Prioritize Code AreasSTEP 4: Set Baseline & GoalSTEP 5: Set timelineSTEP 6: Write testsSTEP 7: Monitor progressSTEP 8: Measure Defect Escape Rate

By embracing Over Time Quality Improvement, you can unlock the power of continuous improvement and build software that stands the test of time. Remember, quality isn't built overnight; it's a journey of dedication and commitment.

Last updated