Informed Go/No Go Decisions Making

As a manager, the User Story Coverage Report serves as a valuable tool for evaluating the quality of software development efforts and making informed decisions regarding code changes. This informed approach helps you make sound go/no-go decisions and confidently present your team's work to the change advisory board.

Step-by-Step Tutorial

1. Access the Report
  • Navigate to your relevant Jira project and open the Sheets page with the User Story Coverage report.

  • If unavailable, follow the How to Generate / Edit the Report guide to create it.

2. Ensure Scope Accuracy
3. Analyze Coverage
  • Review coverage: Analyze both Modified Coverage and Non-Unit Tests Coverage for each user story.

4. Identify Gaps
  • Focus on low coverage: Expand user stories with less than 100% coverage to pinpoint specific subtasks lacking tests.

  • Verify satisfactory subtasks: For subtasks with sufficient coverage, ensure they align with your testing strategy (e.g., API changes needing API testing).

  • Address specific test types: For user stories with 100% overall coverage, check individual test type coverage against your organization's standards. If any fall short, identify the responsible subtasks.

5. Action Plan
  • Create testing plan: Address uncovered areas by outlining clear testing steps before production deployment.

  • Approve readiness: Sign off on user stories (or features) if all testing is complete and satisfactory.

6. Change Advisory Board (CAB) Presentation
  • If your organization requires CAB approval before release, present the report during the meeting.

  • Export option: Alternatively, export the report for inclusion in other presentation materials.

Remember: This guide provides a general framework. Adjust it to your specific organizational needs and testing strategies.

Last updated