Testing Strategy Planing

The User Story Coverage Report is a valuable tool for QA teams to plan a testing strategy. Combine it with your professional judgment, context awareness, and collaboration to create a robust and effective testing strategy.

Step-by-Step Tutorial

1. Define Testing Goals and Resources
  • Clearly define what "good" coverage means for your project. Consider factors like risk, complexity, and regulatory requirements.

  • Estimate the resources available for testing: This includes team size, skill sets, and tools.

  • Align testing goals with resources: Be realistic about what is achievable within your constraints.

  • Set clear expectations: Communicate your testing strategy and coverage goals to the team.

2. Access the Report
  • Navigate to your relevant Jira project and open the Sheets page with the User Story Coverage report.

  • If unavailable, follow the How to Generate / Edit the Report guide to create it.

3. Ensure Scope Accuracy
4. Analyze Overall Coverage
  • Start by assessing the overall coverage across all user stories. Look for trends in "Modified Coverage" and "Non-Unit Tests Coverage" to identify areas of concern.

  • Drill down into user stories below 100% coverage: Prioritize those with red or orange flags, especially critical stories.

  • Collaborate with developers: Discuss your assessment with developers to gain deeper insights and identify potential risks hidden within seemingly good coverage numbers.

  • Analyze individual test types: See if coverage for specific types (e.g., component, end-to-end) are lacking across multiple stories. This might indicate broader testing gaps.

5. Leverage the Report for Specific Strategies
  • Identify critical scenarios and edge cases: Use the report to pinpoint specific parts of user stories requiring extensive testing.

  • Plan test types based on coverage gaps: Use identified gaps to determine which test types (e.g., performance, component) to prioritize, base on the test strategy.

  • Map resources to specific user stories: Assign testers with relevant skills to stories based on their complexity and testing needs to achieve the testing goals.

6. Use the Report for Continuous Improvement
  • Track progress over time: Monitor trends in coverage to identify areas for improvement.

  • Conduct regular reviews: Discuss gaps and challenges with stakeholders, including developers and product owners.

  • Refine your strategy: Adapt your testing approach based on feedback and real-world data from the report.

Last updated