Test Execution Progress Monitoring

Transform into a proactive testing champion with the User Story Coverage Report. Monitor and analyze test execution progress, identifying roadblocks early and advocating for comprehensive testing throughout the development cycle. Ensure no area lags behind schedule or coverage targets.

Step-by-Step Tutorial

1. Access User Story's Coverage
2. Gauge Overall & Specific Test Type Coverage
  • Check the "Modified Coverage" and "Non-Unit Tests Coverage" indicators.

    • Green overall? Great! But proceed if testing hasn't completed, or critical features are involved.

    • Orange or red overall?: Investigate further!

  • Examine individual test types: Identify areas needing attention based on organizational standards.

3. Deep Dive into Uncovered Methods
  • Pro Tip: Even with green overall coverage, crucial methods might lack testing. Review critically.

4. Identify & Address Gaps
  • Start with the Uncovered Modified Methods.

    • Review the methods completely lacking tests.

    • Estimate missing scenarios: Consider what testing might be missing.

  • Continue with the specific test types lists.

    • Review untested methods within each test type. Pay close attention to orange (unit test only) and red (no test) methods.

    • Estimate missing scenarios: Consider what testing might be missing.

    • Leverage parent subtask context: If a method's purpose is unclear, refer to its parent subtask for broader context and understanding. This will help you formulate more relevant test scenarios.

5. Collaborate & Take Action
  • Discuss with developers to understand method functionality and criticality.

  • Collaborate to decide which test type is appropriate for the uncovered method.

  • Prioritize: Address critical gaps first, ensuring comprehensive testing throughout the development cycle.

Remember: This framework serves as a foundation. Adapt it to your specific organizational needs, testing strategies, development cycles, and resource availability.

Last updated