Seamless Collaboration with QA

Work together with the QA team! Share your coverage insights and collaborate to address gaps effectively and focus testing efforts on what matters most.

By fostering seamless collaboration and proactive gap identification, you and your QA team can achieve comprehensive testing, deliver high-quality software, and build a culture of shared responsibility for quality.

Step-by-Step Tutorial

1. Access the Report
  • Navigate to your relevant Jira project and open the Sheets page with the User Story Coverage report.

  • If unavailable, follow the How to Generate / Edit the Report guide to create it.

2. Ensure Scope Accuracy
3. Monitor Coverage
  • Collaboratively monitor coverage across all relevant user stories and subtasks.

  • Analyze both Modified Coverage and Non-Unit Tests Coverage for each item, understanding coverage levels and potential gaps.

4. Identify Gaps & Drill Down
  • Be alerted to low coverage (0% or very low) or specific test types lacking coverage within your scope.

  • Drill down into uncovered areas by:

    • Opening the relevant user story/subtask in Jira and navigating to the "Coverage" tab.

5. Collaborate & Explain
  • Discuss uncovered methods with your QA team.

  • Explain the functionality and criticality of each method, aiding in test type selection and prioritization.

6. Make it Routine

Integrate this collaborative review process into daily scrum meetings or weekly meetings to ensure continued awareness and proactive gap closure.

Last updated