Getting Started

SeaLights helps organizations and teams build a culture of continuous quality improvement by providing two approaches:

  • Release Quality Improvement prioritizes immediate stability and release readiness.

  • Over Time Quality Improvement builds long-term code quality and proactive risk reduction.

SeaLights provides powerful data, but unlocking its full potential requires thoughtful planning and process adjustments. Here's what to consider:

  • Define processes: Establish routines for analyzing test gaps, writing targeted tests, and determining appropriate test amounts.

  • Set KPIs: Implement new metrics to track progress towards your quality goals.

  • Define release criteria: Establish clear benchmarks for go/no-go release decisions, including coverage levels and acceptable risk thresholds.

  • Plan and checkpoint: For the "over time" approach, plan a timeline, set coverage goals, prioritize improvements, and define clear release criteria.

Read more about SeaLights' Quality Improvement approaches

Discover Quality Improvement

Technical Overview

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