Overall Progress Monitoring

As a manager, the User Story Coverage Report is your secret weapon for quality control. Gain real-time insights, make data-driven decisions, and ensure high-quality software through proactive monitoring and early intervention.

Step-by-Step Tutorial

1. Access the Report
  • Navigate to your relevant Jira project and open the Sheets page with the User Story Coverage report.

  • If unavailable, follow the How to Generate / Edit the Report guide to create it.

2. Ensure Scope Accuracy
3. Monitor Coverage Throughout the Development Cycle
  • Track user stories and subtasks progressing through code review, testing phases, and approval.

  • Analyze both Modified Coverage and Non-Unit Tests Coverage for each story, providing a holistic view of testing progress.

4. Early Identification of Gaps
  • Be alerted to stories or subtasks with 0% or very low coverage, prompting immediate collaboration with development and QA teams.

  • Proactively address situations where specific test types show low coverage, ensuring tests are planned or resources allocated.

5. Establish a Culture of Continuous Monitoring
  • Conduct regular meetings (weekly or bi-weekly) with QA and development teams to jointly monitor quality progress.

  • Make informed decisions throughout the development cycle, avoiding surprises at the end of sprints or release cycles.

Remember: This framework serves as a foundation. Adapt it to your specific organizational needs, testing strategies, development cycles, and resource availability.

Last updated