Technical Architecture
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SeaLights ensures complete visibility and impactful testing through its two intelligent agents:
Build Scanner: Scans all your software artifacts (code, binaries) to create a detailed map of your code and identify changes.
Test Listener: Runs alongside your test management tools, pinpointing which tests interact with specific code sections.
To leverage TIA's benefits, you need to:
Report test events:
Automatically through your test framework or manually using SeaLights' interface or Chrome extension.
Exclude recommended tests:
Automatically using test runner integration or manually through the SeaLights interface during manual testing.
SeaLights offers seamless integration options and public APIs to automate reporting and test exclusion.
SeaLights agents can intelligently skip unnecessary tests based on your technology stack:
Direct extension: In some technologies, SeaLights extends the test runner to receive and execute exclusion lists directly from the server. These excluded tests are then skipped, ensuring that only relevant and new tests are executed.
Runtime modification: For technologies like JUnit and TestNG, SeaLights dynamically alters the test runner's behavior at runtime. Agents instrument the code, interact with SeaLights APIs to fetch exclusion lists, and skip designated tests.
SeaLights prioritizes reliability. If connection issues occur where agents cannot retrieve information from the server, for any conceivable reason, agents default to a full test run, ensuring thoroughness even in unforeseen circumstances (fail-safe measure).
By leveraging SeaLights' intelligent architecture, you gain a comprehensive streamline your testing process for greater efficiency.