Code Quality Ownership

Take control of code quality for your assigned user stories, especially critical ones! The User Story Coverage Report empowers developers to take ownership and proactively address testing gaps. Track coverage progress seamlessly, identify uncovered code with ease, and deliver well-tested features that shine.

Remember! Taking ownership of code quality fosters a culture of accountability and leads to higher-quality software. Utilize the User Story Coverage Report regularly to stay informed, proactive, and deliver with confidence!

Step-by-Step Tutorial

1. Access Your User Story's Coverage
2. Assess Overall Coverage
  • Check the "Modified Coverage" and "Non-Unit Tests Coverage" indicators. Green signals sufficient testing, while orange or red suggests potential gaps.

3. Deep Dive into Subtasks
  • Pro Tip: Even if overall coverage is green, review subtasks. Crucial functionalities might lack coverage despite good overall numbers.

4. Identify Untested Methods
  • Analyze method-level coverage for each subtask. Orange or red signals insufficient testing. Prioritize addressing these methods.

5. Streamline Workflow (Optional)
  • Use the "Uncovered Methods Report" to directly access and review only untested methods.

6. Focus on Critical Code
  • The report will flag critical code segments red if they have not been tested by all relevant test types.

    • Critical code segments are based on your commit messages that include the word "Critical".

7. Collaborate and Act
  • Share your findings and any identified gaps with relevant stakeholders during your daily scrum meeting.

  • Encourage immediate action to address uncovered areas and ensure comprehensive testing.

Last updated