STEP 6: Write Tests

Typically, this step is done by QA / Automation Engineers / and other relevant individuals involved in test creation.

Bridging the Gaps: Step-by-Step to "0 Critical"

Writing tests for a release involves an iterative, targeted approach based on your carefully defined code labels. Remember, the ultimate goal is achieving "0 critical test gaps". Let's break it down:

Step 1: Analyze

  • Examine untested code changes and generate a list of test gaps within the release.

  • Prioritize critical gaps based on functionality and potential impact.

Step 2: Close the Gaps

  • Create new tests or modify existing ones to cover identified gaps.

  • Leverage code labels for clear communication between those responsible for writing tests and developers when clarifying changes.

  • Consult code contributors or technical architects for deeper understanding, if needed. The Test Gaps report provides information about the contributor associated with each method.

  • Remember, one well-crafted test can address multiple gaps at once!

Step 3: Rinse & Repeat

  • Regenerated the Test Gaps report to track progress and prioritize new areas.

  • Repeat steps 1-3 for each code area (user stories, features, functionalities, etc.), ensuring comprehensive coverage (user stories, features, functionalities, etc.), until the release content is covered.

Reaching "0 Critical":

  • Follow this process and iterate through test cycles until the Coverage Threshold is met.

  • When all critical test gaps are resolved, proceed with go/no-go decisions with newfound confidence in your release quality!

By embracing this step-by-step approach, you'll bridge the gap to zero critical test gaps and unlock a new level of quality in your releases.

Last updated