Release Quality Improvement Guide

Deliver rock-solid releases free from critical untested code with SeaLights' Release Quality Improvement approach. Here's how:

  • Identify untested risks: Uncover new or modified code (methods) lacking tests, potential threats to your product's stability and functionality.

  • Bridge the gaps: Address these "test gaps" by writing new tests, modifying existing ones, or conducting additional testing. Ensure comprehensive coverage of all code changes.

  • Confident deployments: The ultimate goal? Deploying without critical test gaps. Thoroughly tested and verified critical code changes minimize risks and boost confidence in your software's quality.


Incorporate these steps into your SDLC with SeaLights:

STEP 1: Deploy SeaLightsSTEP 2: Take a Quality SnapshotSTEP 3: Prioritize code areasSTEP 4: Set Baseline & ThresholdSTEP 5: Analyze Test GapsSTEP 6: Write TestsStep 7: Make a Go / No Go Decision Based on Quality GateSTEP 8: Measure Defect Escape Rate

Embrace SeaLights and achieve confident, stable releases that instill trust and deliver exceptional value.

Alternative Implementation

Looking to improve release quality without deploying a new tool? Our Use Story Coverage guide helps you leverage your existing tools by focusing on user stories.

User Story Coverage

Last updated